3.14 Billion $Janny was created at genesis on May 8th 2024.
95% was added to Uniswap v2 pool and all opening V2 LP tokens were BURNT.
5% was retained for marketing, plus exchange listings.
1% was sent to Vitalik for Stray dog shelter. See here
Buy/Sell tax =0/0.9% - used as follows:
a) 50% *automatically* (built into contract) goes back into the liquidity pool, replenishing V2 Eth side liquidity. Better liquidity - Good
b) 50% for further liquidity use or other marketing - ad campaigns, trending, artwork etc.
The Janny Contract has an innovative burn mechanism which operates once every hour in which there is a trade executed.- 0.1% of the $JANNY tokens in the pool are burnt, creating a deflationary effect. Clever $Janny.